[Salon] Democratic Mayors Of New York, Chicago, Denver Plead For Help As Migrant Storm Worsens


Democratic Mayors Of New York, Chicago, Denver Plead For Help As Migrant Storm Worsens

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden
Thursday, Dec 28, 2023

The Democratic mayors of three sanctuary cities, Chicago, New York City, and Denver, warned their metro areas are quickly approaching a breaking point due to the ongoing surge of illegals bussed up from the southern border this year. 

"We cannot allow buses with people needing our help to arrive without warning at any hour of day and night," NYC Mayor Adams said during a virtual news conference with Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson and Denver Mayor Mike Johnston. 

Adams warned: "For many months, we were able to keep the visualization of this crisis from hitting our streets, but we have reached a breaking point." 

"We are no longer able to do that because of the volume and numbers," he added. 

In an executive order, Adams has now requested all charter bus companies to provide a 32-hour advance notice on the arrival of migrants.

According to Adams' office, more than 7,000 illegals have entered the intake system in the last two weeks. The city estimates 157,600 illegals have arrived since late spring. 

In Chicago, another progressive metro area that once welcomed illegals with open arms, Mayor Johnson warned, "We have reached a critical point in this mission that absent real, significant intervention immediately, our local economies are not designed and built to respond to this type of crisis," adding "We are literally building a system as we go along."

Adams' and Johnson's complaints about the migrant crisis were similar to those of Mayor Mike Johnston of Denver. He said, "We, at this point now, have had more migrant arrivals in our city than any city in America per capita." 

In a press release, the mayors called the influx of migrants in their cities a "humanitarian crisis" and urged "all levels of government and our federal partners" to provide assistance to ensure migrants "are treated with dignity and humanity." 

The trio of mayors blamed the migrant crisis on Texas Governor Greg Abbott, indicating Abbott "triples down on efforts to use asylum seekers as political pawns." 

However, the mayors, for good reason and likely fear of retribution, entirely omit that the Biden administration's disastrous open southern border policies are at the center of what sparked the invasion of millions of migrants (and individuals on the FBI's terror watch list) from all over the world into the US ahead of the 2024 presidential election cycle. 

The mayors even left out how the Biden administration unleashed a misinformation campaign against taxpayers, claiming the border was "secure." 

Remember in May, when Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorka declared: "I want to be very clear, our borders are not open." 

It seems that the Democratic mayors of some sanctuary cities were virtue-signaling all along. They now face the reality of a migrant crisis, a consequence of their own party's failed progressive border policies. What a mess. 

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